Since when...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 0 comment(s)
Post title atas since when? Whatdaaa, aku pun taktau kenapa title macam tu, haha sebenarnya, since when mula wujud dalam diri aku dah berblog lagi? Haha, apa semua nii, actually macam cantik je blog aku tapi I tak weti edit. Semenjak tu terhapus aku malas nak blog, nak berblog tapi tak pandai? Haishhh, but I am no longer with this guy Muhd Fakhrul Hafiz bin Iqbal, such a sweet memory, thanks sebab telah menceriakan diri ini dahulu, tapi masa anda dah tamat, since I met this new guy he's so lah comel sangat, tapi bagi diri dia, dia hensem, and I'm like, who are you? Troll face, problem. The the the thee, hahaaa apa the the, nama dia te lupa ahhh, te taktau hurmm, cehh Muhammad Shafizul Haziq Azri, sekarang dah 8 bulan 11 hari. Whattt? Lamakan, pecah rekod, haha. I love him. Now, he created himself for my pieces of life ;)
So there he is, what a comellzz. Fyi, LOL. Bukan dia lah haha, tapi Bieber hensem what. Yelah yelahh nak jujurr, jap tengok bawah scroll scroll ....
So there he iss, ni baru lah dia, te panggil dia Shizul, sometimes Haziq, sometimes Omey, what pieces of idiot I am? Hahaha, i love you, take care guys. Muahhh.